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  • Transformative Justice Zine
  • Transformative Justice Zine
  • Transformative Justice Zine

Transformative Justice Zine


Order a pack of zines for you and your friends, colleagues, or students. We choose to sell in sets of five because we want communities to skill up together. If you just want one copy, we will send you one if you subscribe as a $5 or higher patron at


This workbook is a collection of frameworks and resources Spring Up has developed over the past decade to understand and intervene in systemic, institutional, inter group, interpersonal, and internal harm and violence. We have especially focused on gender based violence (sexual harm, intimate partner violence, relationship abuse, homophobia and transphobia) and how GBV intersects with and is compounded by other systems of violence. This work has taken place in academic and political institutions, community based and nonprofit organizations, informal family and friend group settings, and through much personal reflection and dialogue. We have workshopped and developed these tools through dozens of trainings for youth organizers, social workers, restorative and transformative justice practitioners, sexual violence and reproductive justice advocates, family and friends. We have also implemented all of these tools in facilitating transformative justice and community accountability processes. Together, they can support you in understanding the dynamics and manifestations of violence and harm, how power and privilege operate, and the steps and composition of accountability processes around a variety of types of harm. If you are working specifically on gender based violence, we recommend reading this in partnership with Spring Up’s Cultivate Consent workbook, which you can also order here on our website or receive as a perk for subscribing to our Patreon at - we also offer limited coaching for those learning to facilitate processes and support groups for those healing from harm and seeking to take accountability within our Patreon community. As of 2021, we offer more support to those seeking to practice transformative justice in the format of an online class at

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